God’s Word at Work | Part 8

Hebrews 4:12 tells us that,”…the word of God is living and active…”

Here at Mark Driscoll Ministries we are committed to helping get the soul saving, life changing, eternity altering word of God out to the world. Sometimes, people are kind enough to email us and let us know how the Holy Spirit used Bible teaching in their life. We know that any good that happens is by God’s grace and for God’s glory, and we love hearing about both. These testimonies we receive are incredibly encouraging to us and give us opportunities to pray for people and rejoice at God’s work in their life.

So, we thought it would be fun to share some testimonies of God’s Word at work in people’s lives. After a long week, some good news goes a long way.  We hope and pray these testimonies cause you to thank God, pray for people, and enjoy God’s word for yourself as you share it with others. Lastly, THANK YOU to everyone who supports this ministry!

This week we are sharing some good news from men, most of whom are young.

  From Bardoe,

I am a young married man and a proud father of one lively little boy. You been a great influence in my life particularly in the early years during my courtship with my now wife. We spend many nights watching and listening to your sermons as we grew together. Thank you my dear brother and father in Christ. 


From Sean,

The content you have put out has been extremely helpful to me both as a kid who was figuring out Christian manhood in high school, as a young man just navigating independence for the first time and finding a wife, and now as a married man of 4 and a half years with a daughter on the way serving in paid ministry in a church. Hope you, Grace, and the kids are having a great time setting up in Phoenix.


From Jared,

I…was married in 2005. I had very rigid expectations for what marriage was to look like. I was angry that things didn’t fall in line with my expectations and treated my wife with extreme harshness for the first five years of our marriage. Only God’s grace has kept us together. We celebrate our 10th anniversary in a few months and I am thankful for the part you’ve played in steering my thinking on men and marriage.


 From Patrick,

In fall 2010, I was a Christian in deep sexual sin, hiding it from my community and in deep anxiety about it. The first sermon I heard from you was Luke : Jesus and Anxiety.

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