It’s been another great week in Phoenix and the Driscoll family is settling in after our big move. The pool remains a big hit as the temperatures start to climb down from triple digits. We also had a night out with friends at a Diamondbacks baseball game. They won!
Local pastors continue to be very welcoming, and there are some wonderful Christian leaders here. Grace and I have our weeks filled with meetings that are encouraging and life giving.
On Friday and Saturday, the older boys and I really enjoyed a men’s retreat.
We hung out with great guys. The boys foraging skills are pretty amazing. At midnight it was a raid of the vending machine and breakfast was a healthy balance of lemon bars, Cracker Jacks, and Sprite. In between snacks I got to preach a long winded sermon. I was supposed to preach two one hour sermons, but when I got up to teach there wasn’t a clock and a lot came to mind, so it ended up being one sermon of nearly two hours.
If the audio is good, we can put it online in the next few months. I focused on the Fatherhood of God and how prayer and presence combats anxiety.
This Sunday I’m preaching at a church in Mesa Arizona just outside of Phoenix. If you are in the area and want to join us we’d be glad to see you. I’m grateful for these invitations to preach and having fun.
Philippians is back! Whatcha want next?
Thank you to everyone who prays for and supports this Bible teaching ministry. This week we released the entire 10 part series on Philippians titled The Rebels Guide to Joy!
We now have a poll running that allows you to help us decide which Bible teaching series to release next. You can vote on this through Wednesday September 16th HERE.
Continued encouragement
From Ryan:
Continuing to pray for you and your family. Thanks for your example of perseverance. I enjoy your weekly messages from Cincinnati as I am currently a 27-year-old quadriplegic who is unable to get out of the house to be a part of a local church. I use many of your old clips and teachings with a group of high school guys I am leading following your example of training men. Thanks for what you do.
From another young man:
Rest assured that as long as you teach the Bible I’ll be listening and learning every week – just as I have been since God used your Jesus-proclaiming to give me faith in Him 7 years ago.
From another young man in Scotland:
I got saved as a young man 23 years old. I had lost my way and was so deep in sin that I thought I was lost forever. Until one day I heard you preach a sermon ” you are forgiven” . I was a father of two and now I’m a disciple of Jesus and father of three wonderful kids Ben 8 caleb 6 Abi 4 and my wife Angela are all enormously benefiting from me being transformed by Jesus though your ministry.That sermon changed my life and I consumed all your sermons in a space of 6 months ( I’m guessing ) . I’ve probably listened to them all at least twice!
Additionally, thank you to everyone who emails us. This week there were a few emails I wanted to share with you as encouragement and prayer requests.