We have some great news this week but first here is a family update from Pastor Mark.Driscoll Family UpdateDespite a difficult year, the family is doing well and walking with Jesus together. School finishes soon and our oldest, Ashley, is graduating. It feels like just yesterday Grace and I dropped her off at kindergarten and sat in the car to cry together. Ash was fine and I was the one freaking out. We are very proud of her as she won a significant academic college scholarship and the Principal’s Leadership Award. As usual, the boys played 1.765 billion baseball games. Zac started on varsity as a freshman and was among the team leaders in hitting. Our youngest daughter enjoyed vocal lessons and recitals. It’s been a full year in which the Lord was faithful.
Pastor MarkPastor Mark also reads your emails of encouragement and prayers that you send to [email protected], and thanks you for the prayers for His Family.
Pastor MarkPastor Mark also reads your emails of encouragement and prayers that you send to [email protected], and thanks you for the prayers for His Family.
Pastor Mark Live-Streaming from James River Church
This Sunday, June 7th 2015, Pastor Mark will be preaching live at James River Church near Springfield, MO. He will be preaching the 9:00 and 10:45 services Central Time. These services will be streamed live on the James River online church site. Check the site for your local time live service.
New Content
This week we have added additional parts of the series, “Luke: Investigating The Man Who Is God.”
We will continue to work on bringing Pastor Mark’s archived content back online in the coming months. We will also be posting some completely new content, and will continue to notify you when it is added to the site, so stay tuned.
We will continue to work on bringing Pastor Mark’s archived content back online in the coming months. We will also be posting some completely new content, and will continue to notify you when it is added to the site, so stay tuned.
Resources and Support
To be notified or to support Mark Driscoll Ministries please use the links below.
▪ Signup for notifications of new resources
▪ Support the ministry financially
▪ Read Pastor Mark’s recent e-book
Stay tuned for more great resources from Pastor Mark in the coming weeks.