Proud Men, Humble Men

Proud Men, Humble Men

James 4:6 “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”


  • We all live on a spectrum from humble to proud
  1. Humility is not thinking less of yourself. Humility is thinking of yourself less.
  2. Humility lets God be the center of your life, and leaves room for others with you.
  3. Humility permits you to accept help from God & others.

Jesus Humility

  • Php. 2:5-11
  • Mark 10:45 – serve & life as ransom †
  • Mark 9 & 10 – “who is greatest” & “right & left”
  • Humility – nearly 900X in Scripture
  1. Pride is Demonic. Humility is Godly.
  2. Pride pulls hell up. Humility invites heaven down.
  3. Pride is natural. Humility is supernatural.
  4. Pride is like a demon. Humility is the spirit that casts out that demon.
  5. Pride is how we war with God. Humility is how we worship God.
  6. Pride can humiliate you. Only you can humble yourself.
  7. Pride is a destination. Humility is a direction.
  8. Pride is the cause of most relational problems. Humility is the cure for most relational problems.

A Man Pursuing Humility





3 Kinds of Relationships

  1. Proud + Proud = a battle
  2. Proud + Humble = abuse
  3. Humble + Humble = a blessing


How can we pray for you? Email in at [email protected] 

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