John 17, “Pray Like Jesus” Chapters 7-9
Setting: talking to disciples, walking, stops to pray, right before betrayal
1. 17:1-5 // Pray for Yourself
- GLORIFY – accomplished work of glorifying Father on earth -> back to heaven to be glorified
- What is His work for me? Generally (a missionary), Specifically (?)
- Busyness is sometimes Satan’s distraction
- Reevaluate priorities (marriage, kids, ministry, job, family, friends, etc.)
- ETERNAL LIFE – knowing God and Jesus Christ
- Luke 17:20-21
- Jesus speaks in third person of himself – His current role on earth but not His eternal identity as Son
- What is His work for me? Generally (a missionary), Specifically (?)
- GLORIFY – accomplished work of glorifying Father on earth -> back to heaven to be glorified
2. 17:6-19 // Pray for Christians (those who believed that Jesus was sent by God, those given to Jesus by the Father, still in the world)
- Keep them in your name, from evil one – all but Judas
- Joy despite persecution – in this world you will face trouble!
- “If you don’t like conflict, must be liked, must be approved of, and don’t want to suffer, you can’t do Jesus.”
- Sanctify them in truth – read the Word
- That they may be one – unity
- Requires living in community, asking people for prayer requests
- Pray in person for them
- Art, reading passages over people (replacing name)
3. 17:20-26 // Pray for Non-Christians (those who will believe through Christian’s word)
- Glory -> unity – shared experience, Holy Spirit, about Him not us
- Beloved – as Father loves Son
- In heaven – wants to be with them!, 2 Peter 3:9
- Made known the Word…and will continue to – prayer helps us persevere
Questions (page 30 of study guide):
- Do you ever pray for yourself? Why or why not? In this passage, what does Jesus pray for Himself that you can learn from?
- What is our mission corporately as the church? What has God specifically sent you to do? What does that look like practically?
- Why does Jesus pray for our keeping and protection? What is trying to take you away from Him in your life?
- Are there any non-Christians you know that you have given up on evangelizing and praying for? How can you soften your heart toward them (and keep praying)?