Thank You for Your Continued Prayers and SupportWe want to thank those of you have attended speaking engagements and sent words of encouragement to the [email protected] address. We also thank those that continue to pray for and support this ministry.Upcoming Events
Pastor Mark will be speaking at the upcoming Hillsong Conference in Sydney and London. Please be praying as he travels, for health and for open hearts to hear the Gospel. You can learn more about upcoming events where Pastor Mark will be preaching here.
New Content
This week we have added the final two parts of the series, “Vintage Jesus: Timeless Answers to Timely Questions”. We have also added five additional parts of the series, “Luke: Investigating The Man Who Is God.”
We will continue to work on bringing Pastor Mark’s archived content back online in the coming months. Pastor Mark has been reading those emails and enjoys hearing reports of how God is using the preaching to minister to people. Lastly, we also thank those who continue to pray for and support this ministry. Right now Pastor Mark and his family are finishing up the school year, with their oldest graduating in a few weeks.
We will continue to work on bringing Pastor Mark’s archived content back online in the coming months. Pastor Mark has been reading those emails and enjoys hearing reports of how God is using the preaching to minister to people. Lastly, we also thank those who continue to pray for and support this ministry. Right now Pastor Mark and his family are finishing up the school year, with their oldest graduating in a few weeks.
Resources and Support
To be notified or to support Mark Driscoll Ministries please use the links below.
▪ Signup for notifications of new resources
▪ Support the ministry financially
▪ Read Pastor Mark’s recent e-book
Stay tuned for more great resources from Pastor Mark in the coming weeks. Admin