“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.” – Hebrews 10:23
Today, apostasy is rampant —from deconstructionists who are former Christians devoted to dismantling the faith to mainline Protestant denominations supporting same-sex marriage and transgenderism, Bible colleges and seminaries that deny the necessity of Jesus Christ for salvation and the literalness of eternal Hell, any church that flies a rainbow flag, and any Christian that promotes tolerance of sin instead of repentance of sin. Younger generations in particular, fearing a backlash from an increasingly hostile secular culture, are prone to apostasy by abandoning clear Bible teaching.
Hebrews is filled with warnings against apostasy, with the section of Scripture we are studying serving as the first of five warnings.
- Warning 1: Do not abandon God’s Word (Hebrews 2:1–4)
- Warning 2: Do not become hard-hearted and start ignoring God (Hebrews 3:7-4:13)
- Warning 3: Do not settle for being spiritually immature and stop growing (Hebrews 5:11-6:12)
- Warning 4: Do not become disloyal and turn your back on Jesus Christ (Hebrews 10:19-39)
- Warning 5: Do not reject God’s Word and His authority over your life (Hebrews 12:14-29)
For those who have spent time in the church, perhaps growing up in a Christian home, the things of God can become too familiar. If there is not sufficient teaching about the holiness of God, the horror of sin, and rightful fear of the Lord, Jesus can be turned into little more than a buddy or motivational life coach —not one you should revere, fear, or obey. When our view of Jesus is low, our view of ourselves becomes too high. We start to think we are better and smarter than God says we are. In this section of Scripture, we are reminded of the greatness of God, which should cause in us a holy fear and reverence of the Lord.
Come back tomorrow where we discuss what can often cause someone to drift from their faith.
Pray and humbly ask the Holy Spirit if any of these warnings are specifically speaking to you about an area in your life where you are drifting away.
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