Every once and a while the latest book with the latest hook from the newest crook comes out about Jesus. The bandwagon then loads up and starts the parade for the latest Christian fads and trends.
This is nothing new. After Jesus made wine and bread, as well as healed some folks, it’s not surprising to read that His poll numbers were very high. Today, if you offer free medical care, free food, and an open bar you can expect to have a bit of a groundswell of supporters yourself.
The people were so excited that John 6:15 reports of the crowd, “…they were about to come and take him by force to make him king…” The Jesus bandwagon blew a tire and quickly pulled over to the side of the road, however. Only one chapter later, we read in John 7:20, “The crowd answered, “You have a demon!” From one page of your Bible to the next, the Jesus fad went from wanting to make Him king by force with some crazy write-in ballot measure to publicly attacking Him for being demon possessed.
Jesus never changes. But, the latest Jesus fads and trends are always changing. The key is to stick with the real Jesus and let the fads and trends run their crazy cycle.
Do you get more excited about learning from Jesus in your Bible, or the latest faddish Christian book or trendy song?