How Does God Speak?  

“Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets…” – Hebrews 1:1 

Consider for a moment all the technological progress that has occurred simply to improve human communication. Just the simple device called a smartphone that most people carry around allows us to have phone calls, texts, and emails; make voice memos; take photos and videos; and post communication online, including on social media platforms. All the innovation necessary to permit this level of communication is nothing compared to the greatest possible communication gap —the one between our Holy God and us sinful people. That gap is infinite and could only be filled by God.  

How does God speak?  

This is one of the most important questions you can answer. If you answer this question wrong, it’s likely you will build your entire life on lies only to eventually watch it crumble.  

Hebrews opens by saying that God spoke in the past by prophets. These were people of God, filled with the Spirit of God, who communicated the Word of God either by speaking or writing or both. Their words were divine revelation —perfect messages from God to us. Every prophet and prophecy in the Old Testament were like a series of signs on a highway —all pointing to the coming of Jesus Christ.  

You don’t want to miss tomorrow’s devo where we discuss the supremacy of Christ.  

As we begin our study through Hebrews, take some time to pray and ask God to open your ears to hear Him speaking more clearly to you.     

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