Because God is supernatural, there are times that He shows up in extraordinary ways doing things that only He can do. We call these miracles as we read about them in the Bible and sometimes see them in our lives.
Miraculous grace is poured out when God enables signs, wonders, and miracles to accompany His people. For example, “Stephen, full of grace and power, was doing great wonders and signs among the people.”68
Miraculous grace compels us to pray for sinners to repent, for the sick to be healed, and for the hand of God to show up in power as He wills. Because miracles happen by the grace of God, they are not contingent upon the presence of a guru, nor are they assured to those with enough faith or those who manipulate God through some spiritual ritual.
Rather, because God is miraculous and gracious, Christians are given opportunities to see His miraculous hand and are encouraged to pray so that others might also experience His miraculous grace and worship Him as the God of all power and grace. Perhaps the most amazing miracle of all is seeing someone saved by grace and become a Christian.
How have you seen God show up in a supernatural way?
68 Acts 6:8.