Parenting On Point Day 23: Jesus was mature for his age

Sometimes, parents can think that their immature young children will become mature when they are older. However, when considering maturity, we have to also consider the age of the child. Our hope, prayer, and goal should be to help our child be mature for their age, no matter the age. At 2, we help them work toward maturity for 2. At 12, we should help them work toward maturity for 12. At 22, we should help them work toward maturity for 22.

Jesus Christ matured as he aged. At each age, he was mature for that age. Explaining this trend, Luke 2:40 says, “Tthe child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the favor of God was upon him.” Luke 2:52 further says, “Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.” God can work in children’s lives no matter what age they are.

Spiritual maturity and physical maturity do not occur the same way. Physical maturity happens quite naturally in most children. Spiritual maturity, however, is a different matter. Human beings do not automatically become godlier and more mature by simply getting older. Instead, maturity requires walking with God, working together to grow in grace and godliness. Sometimes, parents simply hope that a child outgrows immaturity, but this is usually not the case. A child with serious immaturity can carry that with them into adulthood unless it is addressed and dealt with by the parent. Foolishness doesn’t turn into wisdom without God’s intervention.

Our goal as parents should be to help our child spiritually mature as they age. What is not necessarily childish at age 6 months (e.g., throwing a fit) is immature at 16 years. Paul says it this way in 1 Corinthians 13:11, “When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.” At each age, we need to honestly consider if our expectations for our child are too high or too low. We need to consider what maturity looks like for our child at each age of their life. Then, we can evaluate their maturity and help them grow in maturity as they age.

How mature are you for your age? How mature is your child for their age? In what things could you both. mature?

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