Pride in Us vs. Pride in God

Romans 15:17-18 – In Christ Jesus, then, I have reason to be proud of my work for God…what Christ has accomplished through me. 

In the culture of the world, pride is oftentimes a bad thing – pride in ourselves and our accomplishments or pride in things that we should grieve. In Romans 15:17-18, Paul talks about a different kind of pride – pride in what God has accomplished through us and fellow believers.

As Christians, we should be proud of what Jesus says and does and, when He chooses to work through us, we should be proud to be able to be used by Him.

Ministry is being able to be used by God to bless others and being proud of what God does and super encouraged that He did it through us. God doesn’t need us, but He loves us so much that He wants to include us in His work so we can be a blessing to others and be blessed by His work through us for the benefit of others.

If we’re going to have pride parades for other things, why don’t we have a pride parade for what God has done through us and in our lives?

How have you seen God use you to bless others? Thank Him for allowing you to come alongside Him in ministry.

To find the free Romans 12-16 digital study guide for individuals and small groups, hear Pastor Mark’s entire sermon series on Romans, or find a free mountain of Bible teaching visit or download the Real Faith app.

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