“He [Jesus] shall bruise your [Satan] head, and you shall bruise His heel.”
–God promising Jesus´ coming in Genesis 3:15b
If one word were to be chosen as the most important word in the history of the world, it would be the name Jesus.
God preached the first sermon to our parents, Adam and Eve, shortly following their sin in Genesis 3; He promised that Jesus would come. From that day onward, God inspired His prophets to reveal in great detail the events surrounding the coming of Jesus. Consequently, for approximately a few thousand years, God’s people longed for Jesus’ arrival.
Jesus came into history in the most humble manner. He was born almosttwo thousand years ago in the ancient equivalent of a barn to a poor, young virgin woman named Mary. Although He was God, Jesus’ first earthly throne was the feeding trough of an animal, which was used for His crib.
Jesus’ unparalleled humility is one of His most shocking attributes. Our culture believes that pride is our greatest friend although it is the reason why Satan himself was kicked out of heaven. Pride covets the success of others and is about self—my glory, my arrogance, and my independence. Our culture, tragically, considers pride a virtue rather than a vice. Conversely, Jesus came in great humility and lived His life in great humility. Before repeatedly and emphatically declaring Himself to be God, Jesus spent roughly the first thirty years of His life in relative obscurity in a humble town with humble parents working a humble job as a carpenter.
Indeed, there is no one whose humility compares to Jesus. To go from a throne in heaven as independent Lord over all, to a feeding trough on Earth as a dependent baby is almost unfathomable. Everyone else is battling their way up the ladder of success to have more glory and greatness, while the God who made us made His way down the ladder.
Other than Jesus, who is the most humble person you have every known? Why did you choose this person?