Outrage as transgender woman Melody Wiseheart, 50, competes against TEENAGERS
Pastor Mark’s Hot Take:
Daily Mail
Trending Now

Higher Ed Proves It’s All About Cultural Revolution
Pastor Mark’s Hot Take:
Woke DEI colleges are proving to be antisemitic, anti-family, anti-ethical, and anti-Christ.
The Daily Signal

Italian woman wins court case to evict her two sons, aged 40 and 42
Pastor Mark’s Hot Take:
Italian woman wins court case to evict her two sons, aged 40 and 42, who don’t like work or rent.
The Guardian

If You’re a Parent with Children in the Home, These are the ‘Golden Years’
Pastor Mark’s Hot Take:
The good old days are when your kids are living under roof, proves research.
Daily Citizens

Unmarried Women Have 87% of Abortions, 10X Higher Abortion Rate Than Married Women
Pastor Mark’s Hot Take:
Single women are 10x more likely to abort. If dudes had dominion over their drawers murder would crater.

Online Sports Betting Hooking Young Men on Gambling, Research Suggests
Pastor Mark’s Hot Take:
Boys who can shave are gambling online, not working marrying fathering or launching.
Daily Citizens

Bureau of Prisons’ guidance shows scope of taxpayer-funded transgender care, medical procedures
Pastor Mark’s Hot Take:
Prisoners paying their debt to society are now owed gender transition by taxpayers.
Just the News

USA Today Poll Finds Creationists Not as Rare as Most May Think
Pastor Mark’s Hot Take:
40% of Americans believe in creation NOT evolution. What’s your position?
Daily Citizens

Marriage and Family Improves Happiness Far More Than a Pay Raise
Pastor Mark’s Hot Take:
More money won’t make you happier. Getting married & having kids will.
Daily Citizen

Measuring Trends in Americans’ Personal Values
Pastor Mark’s Hot Take:
Jesus said we worship either God or $. Americans are choosing $ poll proves.
Daily Citizen

Disney World Introduces ‘Preferred Pronoun’ Pins for Staff
Pastor Mark’s Hot Take:
It’s a woke world after all – Disney now has preferred pronoun pins for staff.
Daily Citizen

Oregon voters souring on Measure 110, with many in favor of a complete repeal, new poll finds
Pastor Mark’s Hot Take:
Oregon voters, despite being educated in gov’t schools & apparently higher than Sputnik, finally conclude that supporting drug abuse was a really bad idea.
Oregon Live

Male Malaise Is Not Just About ‘the Culture’’
Pastor Mark’s Hot Take:
Young men – if you live for the dopamine hit you become a dope. Act like a man, get a job,& launch into leading a family before it’s too late.
The American Conservative