Be under authority before you’re in it: Part 7


Leaders need to prove themselves under the authority of leaders before they’re put in a place of authority over others.



Leaders need to prove themselves under the authority of leaders before they’re put in a place of authority over others.


  • Are you in authority? How?
  • Are you under authority and being held accountable? If not, what would it look like for you to be—who would be over you?
  • Is your church/ministry/business good at testing leaders first under authority? Are you too hasty?
  • What does it look like for the members in your team to be both under your leadership and lead others themselves?
  • Make a list of the changes you think need to be made in your life and in your team regarding authority/leadership.

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Leaders must be proven under authority before being put in authority.

It takes a while to really know someone; character comes out over time.

One of a leader’s important duties is to lead and develop other leaders.

A good leader shows good character under and in authority.

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Mark Driscoll

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