Every team needs a leader: Part 8

Serving in itself is not leading and teams suffer when a leader doesn’t take responsibility—every team needs a leader.



Serving in itself is not leading and teams suffer when a leader doesn’t take responsibility—every team needs a leader.


  • Who’s actually leading the teams in your ministry/organization? Is it any one person?
  • What are you going to do to take responsibility as the leader of your team?
  • How can you encourage other teams to have a leader in place?

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Peter is mentioned more in the Gospels and Acts than all 11 other disciples combined. Why? He’s the leader.

When a leader doesn’t take responsibility, the team suffers.

Peter is listed first whenever Jesus’ disciples are mentioned. Why? He’s the leader. Every team needs one.

Just serving isn’t leading. Leaders serve through leading others. Hence “servant leader.”

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Mark Driscoll

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