Genesis #35 – What Are the 6 Marks of a Missionary Mindset?


In this sermon, we see Joseph’s life transition from his parents’ house, to a pit, to Potiphar’s house, to a prison, and finally to a palace. All of this transpired from ages 17-30 while Joseph had lost his family, freedom, and reputation. What he does not do is complain, rebel, or try to escape even though he is running the prison that houses him. To make matters worse, Joseph does not have even one other believer to enjoy the company of since he is the only worshiper of the real God that we know if in all of Egypt. How does Joseph make it through a wrecked life to a new life? One, he lives in the presence of God (39:2,3,23). Two, he has a missionary mindset which we explore in Genesis 40:1-41:40.

Trusting God in Troubled Times

Sermon #35 – What Are the 6 Marks of a Missionary Mindset?

Genesis 40-41:37


  • Never rebels or complains 
  • Has has the providence and the presence of God
  • He has a missionary mindset

Consumer mindset vs missionary mindset. Difference between getting and giving, wanting to be served and serving others.

Missionary Mindset #1: Tell the truth when it is good news

  • The cupbearer and baker are in the inner circle of counselors to the Pharaoh. They are high ranking political office but made Pharoah angry and were put in jail where Joseph is. 

***Acts 17:26

  • Joseph needs to be in prison to build a relationship with the baker and cupbearer to then have a relationship with Pharaoh.
  • Verse 5: the dreams
  • Take everything and test it by the highest authority. 
  • Sometimes God’s people get to see God show up in supernatural ways. 
  • As Christians sometimes we get to tell people good news. Joseph here gets to deliver good news.
  • Joseph first humbly serves and then simply makes a request; he doesn’t put any conditions on his ministry
  • Faith is two things: waiting and working  

Missionary Mindset #2 – Tell the truth when it is bad news 

  • We need to be clear about the bad news
  • Christians need to always be truth-tellers, whether good news or bad news 
  • The God of the Bible is a God of love

Missionary Mindset #3 – Accept God’s timing 

  • Ministry is unto the Lord whether or not people respond 
  • This world is filled with people who use people. A missionary mindset is how to serve other people
  • Here God is preparing Joseph’s character for his future ministry 
  • Character comes from suffering and failure
  • Your greatest ministry comes from your deepest pain.
  • Your circumstances will either make you bitter or make you better.  
  • God is always preparing His people for the next seasons of life and ministry 
  • Suffering is a classroom and class is always in session to form character in the children of God 
  • This is a story God wants us to emulate not just admire

Missionary Mindset #4 – Wait for God to show up

  • Joseph is forgotten in jail for 2 years until one day Pharoah has a dream
  • God is always moving. Just because we haven’t reach someone doesn’t mean God hasn’t 
  • You don’t need spirituality, you need God 
  • God uses the man of God to reveal the will of God 

Missionary Mindset #5 – Generosity is ministry 

  • None of the spiritualists of Egypt can interpret Pharaoh’s dream. The cupbearer then remembers Joseph 
  • Our God is a God who forgives.
  • Your work is your witness 
  • God sees, God knows.
  • Joseph is trying to do what is right in the eyes of God
  • When before Pharaoh, instead of preaching his interests he point to God 
  • If you are open about your faith, you will see people talk to you about the Lord 
  • In the good years, don’t spend it all; save, save, save
  • God provides exactly what we need but we don’t steward well what He gives as He intends 
  • Our God is a giver not a taker 

***1 Peter 5 

  • Joseph has the one thing Pharoah cannot get: the Spirit of God 
  • Time on this earth for a believer is the pit, the palace is coming. This is as bad as it will be for those that know Jesus. 
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Mark Driscoll

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