Bible Study, Prayer, and Fasting for Men


In Daniel 9, Daniel models three things that a real man can do to grow closer to God - Bible study, prayer, and fasting.

Bible Study, Prayer, and Fasting for Men: Daniel 9

Daniel 9:2-3 [Bible study] I, Daniel, perceived in the books the number of years that, according to the word of the Lord to Jeremiah the prophet, must pass before the end of the desolations of Jerusalem, namely, seventy years. [prayer] Then I turned my face to the Lord God, seeking him by prayer and pleas for mercy with [fasting] fasting…

·         We are creatures of habit for good or bad

·         Investing – money little by little, fitness workout by workout, soul

·         Tools, not rules

1). Bible Study

  • Men don’t read.
  • Men are busy.
  • Men don’t like to feel stupid.
  • Men don’t like to learn new skills as they get older.
  • Men don’t like impractical things.
  • Men who seem to know the Bible best are often odd guys.

Bible Study Tools

1.      Set a daily appointment w/God (15-20 minutes a day read Bible every year

2.      Family – dinner table Bible discussion wife/kid do a daily reading

3.      YouVersion reading plan – OT, NT, chronological, topical, audio Bible

4.      Daily Devotionals subscribe

5.      Book study vs burden study

2. Prayer Tools

  1. Make God the first person you talk to throughout the day
  2. Set a regular time for prayer
  3. Pick a prayer partner
  4. Keep a journal of prayer requests and answers
  5. Keep a prayer list for others

3. Fasting

Technology – sometimes needs a shutdown reset

We tend to get out of control & need to reset for self control

  1. Fasting from food to reset appetite and immune system
  2. Fasting from alcohol to reset tolerance
  3. Fasting from media and social media to reset soul
  4. Fasting from screen time to reset (mind)
  5. Fasting from any vice (tobacco, vaping, gambling, etc.) to reset body

Discussion and Prayer 

  1. What one thing you can do to improve your Bible study?
  2. Do you need a study Bible?
  3. What one thing can you do to improve your prayer habits?
  4. What one thing do you most need to fast from?
  5. Which guy(s) do we need to pray to accept your invitation to join us?
  6. How can we pray for you?
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Mark Driscoll

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