This week’s big idea is encouragement. How have you been encouraged in the past and who can you encourage now? Pastor Mark explores his past mistakes of leading Mars Hill Church in a culture where there wasn’t much encouragement. Without it, people’s spirits can be crushed with only criticism or intense feedback. As leaders, we need tell people they did a great job, honor them, and create a culture of encouragement.




This week’s big idea is encouragement. How have you been encouraged in the past and who can you encourage now? Pastor Mark explores his past mistakes of leading Mars Hill Church in a culture where there wasn’t much encouragement. Without it, people’s spirits can be crushed with only criticism or intense feedback. As leaders, we need tell people they did a great job, honor them, and create a culture of encouragement.


Who are you leading or responsible for that you should encourage?

How are you going to encourage them?

Who’s encouraged you and how?

Do you lead a culture of encouragement? If not, how can you create one?

Photo of author

Mark Driscoll

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