The Risk of More

In this session, Pastor Mark explains how the leader of a growing organization will face the risk of making more mistakes with more decisions at hand.



The Big Idea

In this session, Pastor Mark explains how the leader of a growing organization will face the risk of making more mistakes with more decisions at hand.


How many decisions do you make for your organization? How many mistakes are made?

Are you a self-righteous leader?

How can we help leaders who make mistakes?


If you lead hundreds of thousands of people, you’re going to have thousands of critics.

As ministry grows, learn to make decisions faster, but also learn to apologize when you’re wrong and make it right.

Helping more people = Making more decisions. More decisions = More mistakes. More mistakes = More critics.

Ask Pastor Mark

Do you have theological, relational, or practical questions about leadership? Ask Pastor Mark. Responses to these questions will be released as Leadership Coaching posts in the coming weeks.

*Not every question can be specifically answered or addressed.

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Mark Driscoll

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