Weird teams make the best teams: Part 6


Teams with a diversity of ages, giftings, and backgrounds (i.e. weird teams) make the best teams.



Teams with a diversity of ages, giftings, and backgrounds (i.e. weird teams) make the best teams.


Is your team full of people who are different or similar?

What sort of leader is common in your church/organization?

What would it look like to add more diversity to your team? What kind of person would make your team “weirder” and more effective?

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The best teams aren’t full of virtually identical people, but different people all on the same mission.

Weird teams make the best teams.

Jesus started his ministry with 12 men from different backgrounds & all w/o theological training. Weird? Smart? Both?

The 12 disciples were very different from one another. So how did they get along? They spent a ton of time with Jesus.

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Mark Driscoll

It's all about Jesus! Read More