Your Thing, My Thing, & Our Thing

Does it feel like everybody is always trying to sell you on something? Are people just wanting you to join in on their thing? Learn about what’s your thing, my thing, and our thing in this installment of Leadership Coaching. Pastor Mark talks about navigating the mission of your organization by first knowing our thing. Others might want you to join in on their thing, but their thing might not line up with our thing. It might be a good thing, but it shouldn’t be our thing. As a leader of an organization, the mission is not to do your thing or their thing, it’s to do our thing.




Does it feel like everybody is always trying to sell you on something? Are people just wanting you to join in on their thing? Learn about what’s your thing, my thing, and our thing in this installment of Leadership Coaching. Pastor Mark talks about navigating the mission of your organization by first knowing our thing. Others might want you to join in on their thing, but their thing might not line up with our thing. It might be a good thing, but it shouldn’t be our thing. As a leader of an organization, the mission is not to do your thing or their thing, it’s to do our thing.



What’s my thing? What’s their thing? What’s our thing?

Who do I need to say, “No,” to because they’re just focused on their thing and don’t care about the organization/church?

Am I recruiting people to my thing instead of our thing?



If you can’t distinguish between your thing, my thing, and our thing, you’ll burn out fast trying to do everything. #e412

Be careful recruiting people or volunteers to your thing instead of the mission. #e412

The mission is not to do my thing or your thing, it’s to do our thing. #e412

Photo of author

Mark Driscoll

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