
How do you do a devotional time as a family?

As the ministry of The Trinity Church increases and moves temporarily online, Pastor Mark, Grace, and family will be releasing a special series of “Ask Pastor Mark” videos each week to help answer pertinent questions during this time! This question is about how to do devotional time as a family.

How can you prepare financially for the future as a young person?

As the ministry of The Trinity Church increases and moves temporarily online, Pastor Mark, Grace, and family will be releasing a special series of “Ask Pastor Mark” videos each week to help answer pertinent questions during this time! This question is about how to prepare financially for the future, especially as a young person.

Should you treat your kids as Christians if they’re not?

As a Christian parent, you want your kids to come to a faith of their own – and not rely on yours.

So should you treat them as Christians before they are? How do you encourage them to grow their own relationship with Jesus?

Watch as Pastor Mark and Grace share some tips – and explain why sometimes the boring testimonies are the best ones!

Parenting On Point Day 18: Seven Tips for Helping Kids Learn the Bible 

Some of our best parental memories from when our five children were young involve bedtime. We made a habit of having an age-appropriate kids’ Bible for each child. At bedtime each night, in addition to praying, talking, and sometimes singing together while snuggling up, we would read and discuss Bible stories. As the children got … Read more

Should kids be in church service or kids’ ministry?

If you’ve ever sat through a church service with a bunch of screaming kids, you might say they should go out to kids’ ministry or Sunday school.

On the other hand, if you – like me – have been kicked out of church for trying to keep your kids in the main service, you might say they should stay in church.

So who’s right? Watch my video above for my take!

Got a question for Pastor Mark? Send it to him at [email protected] today!

When should you have ‘the talk’ with your kids?

One of the toughest challenges parents face these days is teaching their kids about sex. With so much sex in the media – and other parents having different philosophies on the issue – how can we know for sure the best way to ensure our kids have a healthy, biblical view of sexuality?

1 John #9 – Test the Spirits

At The Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Pastor Mark Driscoll recently taught a Bible study series to the core launch team entitled “1 John: The Father Heart of God.” Recorded in black and white as the church plant was in its infancy.