Life Planning

Nehemías #10 – ¿Cómo se hace una declaración de misión familiar?

En Nehemías 10, el pastor Mark predica sobre la declaración de misión familiar eclesial que muchos de los hombres firmaron en ese día, esto fue un pacto para guiar a sus familias en los caminos de Dios a medida que la iglesia y la ciudad crecían. De esta declaración de misión, podemos extraer formas prácticas de estructurar y dirigir a nuestras propias familias e iglesias.

Nehemías #13 – ¿Cómo puedes convertir tu ira en acción?

El pastor Mark predica sobre la rapidez con la que el pueblo volvió a su naturaleza pecaminosa al alejarse de la Palabra en este pasaje brutalmente honesto en Nehemías 13. De manera importante, muestra de qué forma Nehemías canalizó su “justa ira” en acción, responsabilizando a los hombres por su fallido liderazgo.

Should Christians Tithe From Firstfruits?

Note: Today’s daily devotional is taken from day 278 in the Romans: Theology for Everybody newly released book you can preview for free HERE. Thank you to everyone who has given to Real Faith and helped us give away free Bible teaching to around 100 million people this year.  If the dough offered as firstfruits … Read more

Should a Christian Tithe Part 2

Note: Today’s daily devotional is taken from day 278 in the Romans: Theology for Everybody newly released book you can preview for free HERE. Thank you to everyone who has given to Real Faith and helped us give away free Bible teaching to around 100 million people this year.  Therefore one must be in subjection, … Read more

Should a Christian Tithe Part 1

Tithe literally means “tenth.” In the Old Testament, the tithe referred to God’s people giving the first 10 percent of their gross income (also called “first fruits”) to God to fund the Levite priests’ ministry (Numbers 18:21–29; 27:30). There were additional tithes and offerings required of God’s people, including 10 percent paid for festivals to … Read more

How can you better Sabbath in 2023?

To sabbath is to rest from one’s labor. The first Sabbath day was a Saturday and was enjoyed by God (Genesis 2:2). The first recorded command for humans to sabbath is in Exodus 16:23, and honoring the Sabbath is listed as the fourth commandment (Exodus 20:8-11).  Regarding the particular day of the Sabbath, some have … Read more