1 Kings 18:21 – And Elijah came near to all the people and said, “How long will you go limping between two different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him.”
One Bible dictionary says, “The term syncretism is used by anthropologists and historians to refer to the blending of religious beliefs…As the two groups interact, members of one group may begin to assimilate aspects of the religious beliefs of the other, resulting in a transformation of the traditional religion. For Christians throughout history, the notion of syncretism has had largely negative connotations and is sometimes associated with heresy. This is due to the fact that assimilation is often perceived as a departure from the purity of the original.” (1)
The result of syncretism is apostasy. Apostasy is, “A public denial of a previously held religious belief and a distancing from the community that holds to it. The term is almost always applied pejoratively, carrying connotations of rebellion, betrayal, treachery, or faithlessness.” (2)
Today, syncretism and apostasy are tragically widespread. The dirty streams of wokeism, deconstructionism, and socialism are continually trying to flow into Christian churches and pulpits. Cults keep trying to add their books to the canon of Scripture. Social justice warriors keep trying to get their godless agendas (often for redefining sex, marriage, and gender) to be virtue signaled with rainbow flags hanging on church buildings. Tolerance and diversity advocates are constantly pressuring Christians to worship and pray with other religions, spiritualities, and ideologies, thereby erasing any lines separating darkness and light.
The God of the Bible demands to be worshipped in the way that pleases Him. The God of the Bible does not permit worshippers to worship in the way that pleases them. At the bottom of all syncretism and apostasy is one simple question – will you worship God how He wants, or how you want?
Where in our world have you seen apostasy? Do you have any friends who have deconstructed their faith?
- Clinton E. Arnold, “Syncretism,” ed. Ralph P. Martin and Peter H. Davids, Dictionary of the Later New Testament and Its Developments (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1997), 1146.
- Ian W. K. Koiter, “Apostasy,” ed. John D. Barry et al., The Lexham Bible Dictionary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016).
For the sermons and study guide that accompany this series on the life of Elijah, visit realfaith.com/elijah or text ELIJAH to 99383.