Sermon Series

Real God: A Study of His Attributes


Leave & Cleave: A 21-Day Family Systems Journey

More Walk, Less Talk: An End Times Survival Guide from 2 Thessalonians

More Heaven, Less Hell: An End Times Survival Guide from 1 Thessalonians

Black & White in a Rainbow World: A Study in Jude

Vintage Mark

New Days, Old Demons: A Study of Elijah

Real Romance: Sex in the Song of Songs

Real Men

Topical Messages



Rebuilding Home: A Study in Nehemiah

In the Beginning: A Study in Genesis

Kingdom Down – A Study in Daniel

Faith Works – A Study in James

Spiritual Gifts: Find Your Position on Team Jesus

Romans: Theology for Everybody

Pray Like Jesus

2nd Peter

1st Peter

Good News

Win Your War

?HOW – Things Proverbs Teaches You…

Galatians: God Creates / Satan Counterfeits

Christians Might Be Crazy

John’s Gospel


Spirit Filled Jesus

Habakkuk: Honest To God

Parenting On Point

Colossians: A Big Jesus – For Life’s Big Issues

Ruth: A Big Little Love Story

Real Marriage 2017

Jonah: A Fishy Tale about a Faithful God

1st John: The Father Heart of God

Luke’s Gospel: Investigating The Man Who Is God

1 Corinthians: Good News for Bad Christians

Ecclesiastes: Meaningless Life?

Acts Ch. 1-11: Empowered For Jesus’ Mission

Ten Commandments: Set Free to Live Free

Ephesians: Who Do You Think You Are?

Esther: God’s Perfect Work Through Imperfect People

Revelation: The Seven

Real Marriage 2012

Vintage Jesus: Timeless Answers to Timely Questions