A Deeper Walk | Real Women #1


At Real Women we've been studying A Deeper Walk by Marcus Warner and learning his Bible-based method of heart-focused discipleship. This video shows the first week of our study, as I work through the Introduction and Chapter 1. I encourage you to join some women you trust and go through this important book! That is how you develop heart-focused community (chapter 10). It won't be easy and it will feel vulnerable, but you will see fruit and freedom as you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in this journey into a deeper walk.



A Deeper Walk by Marcus Warner
Book Review

Do you struggle with lies and false identity? Does spiritual warfare confuse or scare you? Do you know what it means to be Spirit-led? Do you know how to deal with your past and find the root to your issues? Are you timid in a new community of people?

At Real Women we’ve been studying A Deeper Walk by Marcus Warner and learning his Bible-based method of heart-focused discipleship.  Traditional discipleship doesn’t always work through heart issues because it can be more about knowing the information rather than transformation through God’s word and the Holy Spirit. We are seeing women understand the wounds, lies, inner vows, and strongholds that keep them from God’s freedom and healing.  The tools in this book are practical, easy to understand, connected to scripture, and organized in a way that truly gets to the heart of issues in our lives.
If we don’t understand spiritual warfare or we believe the identity that the enemy or others put on us, then freedom feels far away. As we read through each chapter and apply it, the Holy Spirit can set us free, expose the lies, heal the wounds, and break the strongholds that we often aren’t even aware are causing destruction in our lives.

No matter where you are in your walk with Jesus, there is plenty to learn from this helpful content. I recommend this book and Warner’s book Understanding the Wounded Heart, which helps you directly implement what you learn in A Deeper Walk. This video shows the first week of our study, as I work through the Introduction and Chapter 1. I encourage you to join some women you trust and go through this important book! That is how you develop heart-focused community (chapter 10). It won’t be easy and it will feel vulnerable, but you will see fruit and freedom as you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in this journey into a deeper walk.