Mark Driscoll

Is Your Story a Biography or a Testimony?

When non-Christians share their life story, it is a biography. When Christians share their life story, it is supposed to be a testimony. The difference between a biography and a testimony is who the hero of the story is. In a biography, there is a tendency to downplay or even dismiss the faults, flaws, and … Read more

Gideon: Anointed Savior

How do you win the war when the odds aren’t in your favor? Join us for prophetic look at what we can learn from the story of Gideon and the original 300 men of valor!

God Gives All Authority and Leadership

In old western movies, there were good guys and bad guys. The good guys wore white cowboy hats, and the bad guys wore black cowboy hats. Life, however, is a lot more complicated than an old gunslinger show. If we are honest, even if we are believers, some days we wear the white hat, and … Read more

What’s the Key to Success? 

Life often reminds me of the first time I remember flying a kite as a kid. My entire focus was on getting the kite in the air. I kept running back and forth, as fast as I could, dragging the kite behind me, hoping it would eventually take off and soar. I don’t know how … Read more

Faith Over Fear

The appearance of Gideon, the man of God, as bread in the dream also points to the future coming of Jesus Christ, the Greater Gideon. Like Gideon, Jesus is called the  “bread of life,” is born in Bethlehem (which means “house of bread”), multiplied the bread of a boy to feed a crowd, and taught … Read more

God Shows up in Supernatural Ways

The writer Mark Twain once said something that sounds a lot like the scene we will now study in Gideon’s life, “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.”  The time had come for Gideon, called and anointed by God, to lead untrained civilians … Read more

Not by Our Own Might or Power, But by His Spirit

Syncretism is what happens when you worship both God and other gods, obeying some of what God says and some of what Satan says. Jesus will not allow any syncretism in Gideon’s life and does not allow any syncretism in our life. Gideon’s father was a pagan worshiping the demon god Baal and demon goddess … Read more

Men and Their Father

What enemy strongholds do you need to tear down? Join us for a look at how we can fight against and break generational curses in the name of Jesus!

Gideon Meets Jesus

In Judges 6, Jesus Christ appears as “the angel [or messenger] of the Lord” from Heaven. His visit is to one man, Gideon, who is hiding out, threshing wheat in a winepress. This would indicate absolute poverty, because he must have had little wheat to thresh, in a small walled winepress instead of an open … Read more

Why We Need to Cry Out to the Lord

The Purge is a series of horror movies based on the premise that, for one 12-hour period each year, there are no laws, people are free to commit any crime, and there are no emergency services (e.g., police, fire fighters, and medical care). During this time, people go into hiding to survive, and the evilest … Read more