Mark Driscoll

How to Overcome Failure and Win at Life

Steve Deace joins me this week to give an inspiring word on how men can activate in their sphere of influence to overcome failure, pursue their dreams, and fulfill the calling God has on their life. You don’t want to miss this one!

Where is Jesus Right Now?  

“After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high…” – Hebrews 1:3b  It’s hard to imagine a more jaw-dropping, heart-pounding, awe-inspiring revelation of Jesus Christ as He is today, in full glory, being worshiped by the angels who surround His throne as the Center of creation and … Read more

Is Jesus an Angel?  

“…having become as much superior to angels as the name he [Jesus] has inherited is more excellent than theirs.” – Hebrews 1:4  Jesus is also compared to, and shown to be superior in every way to, angels. The Bible has a great deal to say about spiritual beings, speaking of them as angels, watchers, holy … Read more

Who is Jesus?  

“He [Jesus] is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.” – Hebrews 1:3a  In the opening chapter of Hebrews, the spotlight is immediately turned on to Jesus Christ as the very Son of God.   We are told … Read more

How Does God Speak?  

“Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets…” – Hebrews 1:1  Consider for a moment all the technological progress that has occurred simply to improve human communication. Just the simple device called a smartphone that most people carry around allows us to have phone calls, texts, … Read more

How to Not Be a Heretic 

“O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” – Luke 24:25-26  Jesus clearly stated that His earthly ministry was to fulfill all of the Old Testament promises and longings that pointed to … Read more

Why is God Angry With Shallow Christians?

God will not be mocked. You will reap what you sow, and there is a harvest coming for a generation of apostate and shallow Christians, the likes of which have not been seen since the days of Noah. You’ve been warned.

What is Your Sword Against Satan? 

“There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit. And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him…” – Isaiah 11:1-2  As we’ve discussed previously, you cannot make sense of the New Testament, especially Hebrews, without understanding the Old Testament. Because the New … Read more

Can you overcome your messed up family?

The problems and trauma you are dealing with very well might have been architected by your parents’ terrible planning, choices, and (lack of) Godliness. I want to tell you how to return the gift that keeps on giving: generational curses.

When Was the Book of Hebrews Written?  

“Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!” – Romans 11:33  Not only is the author not clearly stated in Hebrews, but we also don’t know exactly what kind of literature it is. In the New Testament, the epistles follow the … Read more