Mark Driscoll

What is Judges All About?

Paying attention to the following themes in Judges can be helpful in using it as a story to better understand your own heart, life, and culture. Covenant. God is faithful to His covenant people even when they are unfaithful to Him. God’s promise to Abraham, that He would raise up and provide for His people, … Read more

Gideon: Anointed Son

How do you win your battles in a world set against you? Join us at we look at the story of a man who went from coward to conquerer, by the Spirit of God ⚔️

A Vicious Cycle

Judges is closely related to the book of Deuteronomy which prophesies the future events reported in Judges. A Bible commentary says: “…Deuteronomy most clearly expresses [God’s] covenant. Judges is then a sermon on Deuteronomy [with] lessons drawn from history illustrating Deuteronomic principles. This characteristic unites the parts of Judges into a whole. Deuteronomy 7:2 commands … Read more

God Raises Up Leaders

The first judge God raised up was Moses. Exodus 18:13 says, “Moses sat to judge the people, and the people stood around Moses from morning till evening.” Serving as the only judge, Moses was overwhelmed at the workload, and people could not get justice in a timely manner. So, Moses’ father-in-law Jethro says in Exodus … Read more

Men and Their Fear

What are you afraid of 😧? Whether we admit it or not, all of us are afraid of something. How you deal with that fear will determine if you live life as a coward or a conquerer.

Understanding the Past Helps Us Understand Today

Now that we’ve discussed the context surrounding the book of Judges, let’s dive in to all this book has to offer. Written or collected into a complete manuscript hundreds of years after the events took place, the book of Judges reports a significant season of transition for God’s people in the Old Testament. In the … Read more

Today’s Israeli War in Gaza Started 2,600 Years Ago

The rest of Judges reveals repeated terrorist attacks, invasions, and wars with the surrounding demonic people groups that are enemies of God and God’s people. The Judges are raised up as military leaders to lead the battle for the Promised Land against demonic terrorist invasions. For example, Deborah, Gideon, and Samson all lead military campaigns … Read more

Today’s War in Israel

Last week we discussed the Hamas spirit in the Bible and this week we go even deeper into prophetic revelation. Today we will connect some prophetic passages in Deuteronomy, to their fulfillment in Judges, and to the current war in Israel. This war was foreshadowed over 3,000 years ago, as we are seeing ancient prophecy … Read more

Why is Scripture authoritative?

Holy Scripture is God speaking. That simple but profound statement is why Christians believe that Scripture is our highest authority by which all other lesser authorities are tested. Practically, this means that lesser courts of reason, tradition, and culture are under the highest court of truth, which is divinely inspired Scripture. By contrast, the Roman … Read more