Mark Driscoll

Law 3: Wise Counsel

Do you get all your advice from social media, self-help “gurus,” or your peer group? If so, this message is for you. Learn how to seek out and listen to wise counsel!

How to Leave & Cleave

Is time with your family less like a Hallmark movie and more like a horror movie? We want to help! Join us today for a brand new series on how to build a healthy family system!

Did You Marry Your Spouse or Their Family?

Genesis 2:24 (KJV) – Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. Some years ago, we needed some woodwork done at our home and hired a craftsman for the job. He was a very nice, social extrovert with a big smile. … Read more

Law 2: Planning

Do you have a plan for your life? If you don’t, the odds are that your life will be disordered, discombobulated, and dysfunctional. Learn how to plan and set a correct course for your life, based on Biblical values.

Law 1: Seasons

Are you ready to make some major life changes this new year? In this talk from Pastor Mark, he gives an overview of the different seasons of life and how knowing what season of life you’re in will help you make wiser decisions.

Am I Going to Hell?

Romans 10:9 – …because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. After explaining Heaven and Hell, the closing verses of the Bible say, “Come!” as an invitation for all who desire to receive God’s saving grace … Read more

What is the Kingdom of God?

Matthew 8:11 – I tell you, many will come from east and west and recline at table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven… At its simplest, the Kingdom of God is about God ruling as King over everyone and everything forever, bringing His rule and reign to bear on every inch … Read more

What Happens When We Die?

Philippians 1:23 – I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. Bible-believing Christians grieve the loss of someone they love, but with the reassurance of eternal life, resurrection of the dead, and reunion of God’s entire Forever Family. This is grieving God’s … Read more