Mark Driscoll

Kingdom: God Reigns

The Kingdom of God sermon is culmination of the Doctrine series. You’ll learn that heaven and hell are literal physical places, and you will spend eternity in one of them. The Kingdom of God is an amazing evidence of our perfect, holy, and loving God redeeming his people. Click here for additional notes.

Stewardship: God Gives

You own nothing, it’s all on loan from God. God created the earth you live on, the air you breath, and even your own soul. It’s all a gift that you’ve been given to govern justly and steward for God. In this sermon from the Doctrine series, pastor Mark Driscoll will challenge people to stop using their time, talent, and treasure to serve themselves—and start using them to serve God.

Worship: God Transforms

Everyone is a worshiper. We all have people or things that we love, sacrifice for, and are our number one affection. The main question each person should answer is this—Do you worship created things, or the Creator? God deserves to be worshiped. He created everyone and everything. Our place as the creation is to worship our Creator. Pastor Mark Driscoll investigates the many idols that we are completely oblivious too, and shows that every problem in life is, at its core, a worship problem.

Church: God Sends

The Church is not just a building people visit on Sunday, it’s a group of people that God has brought together to give Him glory and tell the world about how great He is. Pastor Mark examines how the Church began, Jesus’ relationship to the Church, the Biblical definition of a local church, and a warning of danger to churches everywhere.

Resurrection: God Saves

Resurrection is the doctrine that after dying on a cross, Jesus physically rose to life, conquering Satan, Sin, and Death. Jesus now sits on His throne as King. In this sermon, Pastor Mark Driscoll explores the Biblical and circumstantial evidence of Jesus’ bodily resurrection, then deals frankly with common objections to this doctrine.

Incarnation: God Comes

Jesus Christ came on a rescue mission to save us. He came to live the life that we couldn’t and die the death we should. Because of this wonderful news, Christians get to live lives redeemed by Jesus to reflect His glory to the world. Pastor Mark Driscoll teaches on the incredible doctrine of Incarnation in this sermon from Doctrine – What Christians Should Believe.

Covenant: God Pursues

God wants a relationship with us, His children. Throughout the Bible, He has had several covenants with men like Adam, Noah, Moses and David. Now, we live under the New Covenant with Jesus as our perfect head. Pastor Mark Driscoll teaches about the Old Testament covenants that God made, and the New Covenant through Jesus in this sermon from Doctrine – What Christians Should Believe.

Image – God Loves

God made us in His image and likeness, which is what distinguishes us from the animals that God has given us dominion over. He spoke everything into existence except for us, whom He made with His own hands. Pastor Mark Driscoll teaches on the doctrine of Imago Dei in this fourth sermon in Doctrine – What Christians Should Believe.

Fall: God Judges

We are all marred with the stain of sin that originated when Eve took the bite of forbidden fruit. How sin manifests itself in us varies from person to person, but all that we are is sinful. Pastor Mark Driscoll teaches on the doctrine of sin, what it is, what its effects are, and how God deals with sin. This is the fifth week of Doctrine – What Christians Should Believe.

Creation – God Makes

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”. That’s the opening line of Genesis. But how old is the earth? Where did everything come from? And are we all just evolved beings from a totally different species? The doctrine of creation is a big topic for debate among Christians and non-Christians alike. Pastor Mark Driscoll teaches on it in the third week of our sermon series, Doctrine.

Revelation: God Speaks

How do we know who God is and what he is like? Some speculate about His nature through religion or philosophy, but Christians don’t have to. We have the Bible, which is God speaking to all of us. How did we get the Bible? How can we trust that it is accurate today to its original writings? Pastor Mark Driscoll explains this in the second week of our sermon series, Doctrine – What Christians Should Believe.

Trinity: God Is

There is one God. He exists in three distinct persons of Father, Son and Spirit. Pastor Mark Driscoll explains the doctrine of the Trinity in the first sermon of our new series, Doctrine: What Christians Should Believe.