Mark Driscoll

Theology for Everybody: Romans (Day 361)

I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naïve. For your … Read more

Theology for Everybody: Romans (Day 153)

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. —Romans 8:1 Condemnation is what happens when an authority over us judges us as guilty and renders a punishmentfor us. For example, when a judge tries a case and pronounces someone guilty before issuing a prison sentence, condemnation has occurred. Likewise, when … Read more

Should Christians Tithe From Firstfruits?

Note: Today’s daily devotional is taken from day 278 in the Romans: Theology for Everybody newly released book you can preview for free HERE. Thank you to everyone who has given to Real Faith and helped us give away free Bible teaching to around 100 million people this year.  If the dough offered as firstfruits … Read more

Should a Christian Tithe Part 2

Note: Today’s daily devotional is taken from day 278 in the Romans: Theology for Everybody newly released book you can preview for free HERE. Thank you to everyone who has given to Real Faith and helped us give away free Bible teaching to around 100 million people this year.  Therefore one must be in subjection, … Read more

Nehemiah #13 – How Can You Turn Your Anger into Action?

Pastor Mark preaches on how quickly the people reverted to their sinful nature by turning away from the Word in this brutally honest passage of Nehemiah 13. Importantly, showing how Nehemiah channeled his “righteous anger” into action, holding the men accountable for their failed leadership. 

Nehemiah #13 – How Can You Turn Your Anger into Action?

Pastor Mark preaches on how quickly the people reverted to their sinful nature by turning away from the Word in this brutally honest passage of Nehemiah 13. Importantly, showing how Nehemiah channeled his “righteous anger” into action, holding the men accountable for their failed leadership. 

Nehemiah #13 – How Can You Turn Your Anger into Action?

Pastor Mark preaches on how quickly the people reverted to their sinful nature by turning away from the Word in this brutally honest passage of Nehemiah 13. Importantly, showing how Nehemiah channeled his “righteous anger” into action, holding the men accountable for their failed leadership. 

Should a Christian Tithe Part 1

Tithe literally means “tenth.” In the Old Testament, the tithe referred to God’s people giving the first 10 percent of their gross income (also called “first fruits”) to God to fund the Levite priests’ ministry (Numbers 18:21–29; 27:30). There were additional tithes and offerings required of God’s people, including 10 percent paid for festivals to … Read more