Mark Driscoll

Was Mary a Virgin Before and after Jesus Was Born?

Isaiah 7:14 – Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.  The genesis of the Bible’s promise of the virgin birth is actually located in its opening pages. In Genesis 3:15, God tells the Serpent, “I will put enmity … Read more

Who Were the Magi That Visited Jesus?

Perhaps the most shadowy and intriguing characters in the nativity scenes that appear each year around Christmas are the wise men who appear in Matthew 2. Also called the magi (or magicians), the Bible does not say that there were three wise men, only that they brought Jesus three gifts, and, like many holiday parties, … Read more

How is Jesus the hero of the Bible?

The opening line of Scripture introduces us to its Hero, God, who is revealed throughout the rest of the pages of Scripture. In the closing line of the New Testament we are reminded that our hope is in “The grace of the Lord Jesus”. Thus, the written Word of God reveals to us the incarnate … Read more

Is Christmas a Pagan Holiday?

Note: This devotional is adapted from the Romans: Theology for Everybody days 312 and 313. I believe there are three basic principles for living as a follower of Jesus Christ in any culture.  Receive. I’ve read the entire Bible, and I can’t find a single mention of air conditioning. Does that change my belief in … Read more

Was Jesus Born on Christmas?

When I was a little boy, my mom would bake a birthday cake for Jesus. At Christmas, we would sing happy birthday to Jesus, and have cake and ice cream to celebrate his birth. It was a fun tradition and memory, but as I got older and became a Christian, I learned that we actually … Read more

My Prince of Peace

At the annual Real Women Christmas dinner, Grace Driscoll spoke to the ladies about our Prince of Peace. As little girls we grow up wanting our Prince to come and then live happily ever after, with peace in our marriage, family, job, and world. Sadly, as we get older it can seem like our peaceful fairytale fades. Can we find peace in ourselves, or in the world? Is there counterfeit peace? You’ll learn how the answer is found as we look up to our Prince of Peace.

Grab your favorite snack and hot beverage, and enjoy the message as you pause from the busy season!

My Prince of Peace

At the annual Real Women Christmas dinner, Grace Driscoll spoke to the ladies about our Prince of Peace. As little girls we grow up wanting our Prince to come and then live happily ever after, with peace in our marriage, family, job, and world. Sadly, as we get older it can seem like our peaceful fairytale fades. Can we find peace in ourselves, or in the world? Is there counterfeit peace? You’ll learn how the answer is found as we look up to our Prince of Peace.

Grab your favorite snack and hot beverage, and enjoy the message as you pause from the busy season!

What Should We Tell Kids about Santa?

As the father of five kids who are now in their teens and twenties, I can still remember the complicated conversations my wife Grace and I had about Santa when they were little. Santa is such a towering figure in our culture that you cannot ignore him, as your kids will have questions about him.  … Read more

Ministry Starts in the City Part 5

Nehemiah 11:1 – Now the leaders of the people lived in Jerusalem. As we’ve looked at several reasons why God calls His people to cities to do ministry, today we’ll look at the final reason as evidenced in Nehemiah 11 as we follow in the example of Jesus Himself. Six, Jesus Himself relocated from Heaven … Read more