Are You Religious or Rebellious?: 2 Kinds of Prodigals
- Luke 15:11-32
- Parable – little story/big truth
- One of the best known/loved stories ever
- Christians Might Be Crazy: Postscript Redemption from Religion & Rebellion
- Father – loving, present, generous, relational, no favorites
- THE STORY – God dad. 2 sons. Which are you?
- Fights in families & church families between the 2 kinds of brothers
#1. Rebellious Men
- Do not like rules, authority, or “no”
- Self-expression, pleasure, shameless = Progressive/Liberal
- Dishonor Authority – father “dead”
- Foolish & Entitled: Liquidated = $ loss
- Squandered inheritance in sin
- Famine = starving – Folly = Failure
= Repented = returned to father
Father upon Repentance
Did not – Disown & send away
- Hope – looking/waiting
- Ran = humiliates himself to love his son
- “compassion”
- “embraced”
- “kissed”
- “celebrated”
- Ring (legal), coat, shoes (not slave), party
- Son should have brought gift, empty handed
Fathers of Prodigals
- Bless (opportunity to repent)
- Release
- Wait (open eyes & heart)
- Bless
#2. Religious Men
- Traditional, conservative,
- Likes rules, order, consistency, and merit
- Does not like grace or the need for grace
- Dishonored Father – refused entry
- Used did not love Father too – 2 x inheritance
- “angry” 2. ‘you”
= No Repentance
Did not Disown & send away
Did Bless
- “1. Son, you are always with me, 2. and all that is mine is yours. 3. It was fitting to celebrate and be glad”
= Both Sons are prodigals
= Both Sons Need Grace & Get Grace, 1 receives it
Rebellious Men Religious Men
Rule Breaker Rule Keeper
Unrighteous Lifestyle Self-Righteous Lifestyle
Visible Outward Sin Invisible Inward Sin
Leans Progressive Leans Traditional
#3. The Father Sent the Son to Redeem Rebellious and Religious Men
- Loved the Father
- not rebellious or religious
- Did not run from the Father; Sent by the Father
- 2 Corinthians 5:21
- Big brother
- Great Exchange – rebellion & religion
- New heart & will to rebellious & religious
- Jesus brings the Father’s love & inheritance
- We wear his righteousness as a robe
- Seated at Father’s table
Which Category Best Describes You?
- Publicly and privately religious? The Holy Roller
- Publicly and privately rebellious? The Bad Boy
- Publicly rebellious and privately religious? The Legalist
- Publicly religious and privately rebellious? The Hypocrite