Matthew 6:5-15
6 parts to the prayer
Preceded by warning against overt, visible religion in giving prayer life
Close the door, Father who sees in secret will reward
Tools, not rules: Pray then LIKE this (as a model)
Not condemning lack of knowing where to start. The disciples even ask!
Diagnostic test for where to start, how to grow: think about how often your prayers fit into
each of these categories: more or less of which when you feel stuck
1. “Our father in heaven”: Adoration
- Our (collective and personal relationship with Father), introvert/extrovert
- In heaven: reminding us of our place, take God seriously
- Example: going to quiet, faraway places to pray (driving in Williams, Costa Rica)
- Do you pray prayers of adoration that are about God, not you?
2. “Hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”: Worship
- His holy, perfect will that we submit to
- Won’t grant prayers outside of His will
- Example: Scripture memorization about heaven (Holy Spirit spreadsheet), painting, watching for answers (not the news)
- Do you pray prayers of worship?
3. “Give us this day our daily bread.”: Provision
- Daily, not greedy (manna)
- Trust him to provide every day (in the good AND bad; stewardship; meals)
- Example: start every morning in prayer, when I first got a job tithing (not my money anyways), fasting
- Do you pray prayers of provision, recognizing that what you have is a gift?
4. “Forgive us our debts.”: Confession
- We must repent first and recognize our debt to God to close the gap that sin creates between us
- Example: feel this in marriage, weeds out hypocrisy, hate to be wrong/apologize, give in; didn’t understand repentance fully until about 3 months before dating Landon
- Do you pray prayers of confession?
5.“As we also have forgiven our debtors.”: Intercession
- And then forgive with the forgiveness he gifts us
- Example: for me, this is the hardest one…because law for them, grace for me; watch interview with dad on Saturday; while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8); not letting them get away with it, but letting you move on
- Do you pray prayers of intercession?
6. “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.”: Protection
- Notice it doesn’t say “God rescue me from the problems I made for myself”…he does that but he’d rather help you avoid them; temptation isn’t a sin, but prayer is what keeps us out of evil (snatch out)
- No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. 1 Cor 10:13
- Example: people, places, media you consume all include temptation; just avoid it; ask for help; surrounded by sin, but don’t let it in you
- Do you pray prayers of protection?
- Notice it doesn’t say “God rescue me from the problems I made for myself”…he does that but he’d rather help you avoid them; temptation isn’t a sin, but prayer is what keeps us out of evil (snatch out)
Personal Study Questions:
- Do you truly believe you are forgiven? Is there anyone you need to forgive?
- What aspects of this prayer do you currently practice? In which areas can you grow?
- How can the group pray to support you practically?
- Repent of any religion or hypocrisy in your heart and ask the Father to show you how you are loved as His son or daughter.