Nehemiah #3 – How can we make the boring parts of life meaningful?


In Nehemiah 3, Pastor Mark shows that ordinary days are crucial to allow for extraordinary days. In what seems to just be a long list of people, he also preaches on principles for leaders and all people and finishes with the good news that Jesus has another list that those who have relationship with Him will be on forever.

Some Bible commentators skip chapter (too boring)

2 Tim 3:16–17 All Scripture is breathed out by God & profitable for teaching …reproof …correction…(&) training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

  • 38 named people, numerous unnamed, teams w/tasks
  • Imagine your name? Your ministry team? Your family?

Statue of Liberty: Caget, Gauthier & Company workshop

Any good work done to glorify God is sacred

  • Digging holes. Shoveling dirt. Stacking stones. Hanging gates

-Gen. 1 God works

-Gen. 2:15 The Lord God took the man & put him in the garden of Eden to work…

-Col. 3:23–25 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord & not for men…from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.

  • It’s not what you are doing, but who you are doing it for!
  • Jesus spent 90% His life doing labor

(Protestant Work Ethic)

= World needs good preachers, mechanics, hvac techs, dr’s, cooks, roofers, etc.

  1. Real Men Wed. 6:30


1). Before the building exterior

2). Before of the main room

3). Before kids ministry Backyard


Ordinary days and extraordinary days both matter

  • Nehemiah 1-2 (extraordinary). Nehemiah 3 (ordinary). Ends w/revival (extraordinary)
  • Bible records both kinds of days since God is in both
  • Ordinary days – prepare for extraordinary days (sow-reap)

-Acts NT 14 healing miracles, 12 of 28 ch’s = 30 years (highlight reel)

8 Lessons for Leaders (Nehemiah 3)

“Leadership is the capacity & will to rally men & women to a common purpose & the character which inspires confidence.” – British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery

  1. Everything rises and falls with leadership (141 yrs before Nehemiah)
  2. Singular headship, plural leadership. (Neh. & other leaders leading teams)
  3. Delegate and elevate (obstacles & opportunities)
  4. Look for “old stones” to repurpose (TC)
  5. Look outside your team to round out your team (GWC)

(e.g. men Jericho, people from: Tekoa, Gibeon, Mizpah, Zanoah, Beth Hukkerem).

  1. A diverse team is the best team (body)

(priests, craftsmen, officials, women, bachelors, temple servants, security guards, biz ldrs)

  1. A culture of honor is godly. A culture of dishonor is ungodly. (Sanballat & Tobiah)
  2. A unified team without a superstar is better than a superstar without a team.

= growing organization = playing a new game

8 Principles for People (Nehemiah 3)

  1. God works for you, in you, and through you
  2. Leaders work on the plan, people work out the plan. (2 year park Phase 1)
  3. A serving family is a special family.

= Trinity started w/our family & families (boys up early Sat. boots/gloves)

  1. Some people refuse to work (3:5). (hammer, feet)

“their nobles would not stoop to serve their Lord.”

  1. Some people do more work than others (3:11, 21, 3:24, 3:27, 3:30).
  2. Some people work from home (3:10, 3:23, 3:28-30).

Multiple X “repaired opposite/beside his house”

  1. Some jobs are less desirable (Dung Gate/nursery)
  2. Unknown people are known by God.

John Maxwell: 1. Cop-outs 2. Hold-outs 3. Dropouts 4. All-outs

= Today- paid employees not going to work. Churches filled w/unpaid volunteers.

Jesus has another list and another home 

Philippians 4:3 the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.

Revelation 3:5, 13:8, 17:8, 20:12, 21:27 all mention the “book of life”

  1. List
  2. Home (Jn. 14:3)

CLOSE W/KEYS: 5 minutes pastoral word sets up worship

-1. CULTURE              2. GOV’T         3. ECONOMY BAD.    4. CHURCH APOSTATE.

  1. Remnant
  2. Revival
  3. Reach
Photo of author

Mark Driscoll

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