3 Benefits of Suffering in the Spirit


Everyone will suffer at some point in this life and Pastor Mark shares how, when we suffer in the Holy Spirit, we can receive supernatural power, supernatural character, and supernatural love.

3 Benefits of Suffering in the Spirit 

Romans 5:3-5 Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.


spiritual, mental, emotional, financial, relational, public, physical, personal, empathetic

=A Christian in the Spirit can rejoice in the middle, not just at the end

More suffering = more Spirit

  • 1st mention Holy Spirit since 1:4, 20X in Rom. 8
  • Principles vs POWER!

1. Supernatural Power

Jesus models a personal/powerful relationship with the Holy Spirit

Apostles (4th Cen) – “born of the Virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified…”

Nicene (4th Century) – “was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man, and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate…”

Life & the struggle? Go to heaven when you die?

Jesus’ in Luke 

  1. Elizabeth & Zech “filled w/the HS”, John “filled w/the HS, from his mother’s womb”
  2. Mary conceived “The Holy Spirit will come upon you.”, “Christ” – anointed HS
  3. Isaiah 61:1–2 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me…”
  4. “full of the Holy Spirit,” “led by the Spirit,” “in the power of the Spirit”, “rejoiced in the HS”
  5. Baptism – 2/4 Gospels “HS remained”

2. Supernatural Character

1.      If it happens, it is because you are now ready.

2.      God does not cause all that you suffer, but uses all that you suffer.

3.      Suffering shifts our focus from what we have, to who we become.

4.      Suffering is a school where we learn about Christ and become like Christ .

3. Supernatural Love

People Become Like Their View of God

  • Church of England 39 Articles & Westminster Confession of faith
  • God is “without body, parts, or passions.”
  • Greek view of God – if He has emotions we can effect Him
  • Tried to preserve God’s immutability – unchanging
  • God not emotional or relational = non-emotional non-relational Christian men

Jesus Is Emotional

Very little written outside Bible

60 emotions in gospels

  1. Jesus teaching appeals to our emotions (parables)
  2. Jesus wants us to love God with all our hearts
  3. Jesus sense humor (30X) “preposterous exaggeration” – plank/speck; camel eye needle
  4. Jesus emotions include – rejoicing & anger, joy & sorrow, gladness & grief, peace & distress, disappointment & amazement, love, #1 compassion
  5. Jesus emotions increase toward His cross
  6. Jesus is a perfect emotional life
  • Not positive & negative emotions but flesh & spirit expressions of emotions
  • God commands you to have dominion over your emotions

If the Spirit pours love in you, then love will pour out of you when suffering

Luke 11:13 the heavenly Father [will] give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

Group Questions

  1. What is your life struggle right now?
  2. What is your life blessing right now?
  3. How is God pouring out His love to you?
  4. How can we pray for you?
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Mark Driscoll

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