To help your study of “Real Women of the Bible”, print out this free e-book study guide here.
#1 Discussion: What part of the Widow’s story can you relate to? How has God miraculously provided for you (physically, emotionally, spiritually)? Pray to thank the Lord for His provision.
#2 Personal Reflection: The Widow was blessed physically by God not allowing the oil and flour to run out until the drought was over. God cares about all our needs, but especially our spiritual life. The Widow didn’t seem to believe who God was until after He gave Elijah the power to bring her son back to life, saying, “Now I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is truth.” Are there areas that you are still expecting more from God, to prove Himself, so that you will believe in who He is? (ex if I get this job, I will believe God provides; if my husband _____, I will believe God is good; if my friend doesn’t betray me, then I will believe God cares). Confess ways you have wavered in trusting God’s character and love for you, then offer thanks that He is Jehovah Jireh (God will provide).
#3 Bonus: In the story, when Elijah asked for the Widow’s last cake it seemed like he was not caring for her, but he knew God wanted to bless her in deeper ways! The Bible urges us to care for widows, when they are unable to care for themselves. Look up James 1:27, Ps. 68:5, Ps. 146:9, Mal. 3:5, Is. 1:23, 10:1-2, Ez. 22:6-7 and ask the Lord if there are any widows you can help care for emotionally, spiritually, financially, or physically. Serving others is a blessing to them and us!