
Creating a Ham Sandwich

Genesis 1:1-3 – In the beginning, God created [bara] the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. In … Read more

Our Incredible Planet

Genesis 1:10b – And God saw that it was good. As we set out on a journey to go verse-by-verse through the book of Genesis for the next several months, we start with God’s creation of the world, and I just wanted to take a pit stop to give a shoutout to the earth and … Read more

How old is the earth?

There has been no shortage of attempts to determine and defend a particular age of the earth. For many Christians, the Bible’s teaching seems pretty simple: the earth was created on the first of the six twenty-four-hour days of Genesis, which culminated with the creation of Adam, the first human. Adding up the genealogies in … Read more

What does creation teach us about God?

Genesis 1:1 reveals that “in the beginning, God created.” In the same way that a piece of music reveals something of the composer, and artwork reveals something of the artist, so too creation reveals something of the Creator. In this way, creation is a form of general revelation.1 Therefore, examining creation reveals fourteen glorious truths … Read more

Where did creation come from?

The opening line of Scripture clearly reveals that creation comes from God.1 Genesis 1 and 2 further reveal God as a prophet who both made creation and prepared it for us solely by the power of his word. This is indicated by the repeated phrases, “And God said” and “Let there be” or “Let the … Read more

What does the Bible say about creation?

The first book of the Bible, Genesis, takes its name from its first words, “In the beginning,” as genesis means “beginning.” The book of Genesis in general, Genesis 1 to 3 in particular, records the beginning of creation and human history. Moses penned Genesis in roughly 1400 BC as the first of  a five-part book … Read more