Divorce and Remarriage

Malachi #4 – Learn to Persevere

When tough times come into your relationships, are you the kind of person who is more likely to hang in there or hang it up? In every relationship, there are times when we want to give in and give up. This is especially true with family members, including our spouse. But, when we learn to persevere through hard times with God, family, and friends, the long-term blessings outweigh the short-term burdens.

Can I remarry or does my past divorce forbid that?

A divorced woman who is a new Christian has tough questions about dating and marriage. Marriage the second most important decision you will ever make and there are lots of questions that come along with it.
This week, I would like to share with you how God has a Father’s heart
And if you have a question you’d like answered, email it to [email protected] today!

Divorce and Remarriage

The church at Corinth was confused over issues pertaining to divorce and remarriage and asked Paul a number of questions. Due to the prevalence of divorce in our culture this sermon is based upon Paul’s answers to the Corinthians as well as answering many of the questions asked about divorce.