
Key #4 Becoming A Safe Person

Relationships are the most wonderful and awful, pleasant and painful part of life. In this sermon, Pastor Mark examines three kinds of people—evil, foolish, and wise. Which kind of person are you? Which kind of people are you in relationship with? How can you become a safe and wise person who has healthy, live-giving relationships with other safe and wise people? These issues are explored in great detail in a way that is both biblical and practical.

Key #3 Overcoming Past Hurts

Forgiveness is crucial, essential, and irreplaceable to the entirety of the Christian faith. Unless we are forgiven by God through Jesus Christ, we have no joyful relationship with God in this life or the eternal life to come. Unless we are forgiven by others and forgive those with whom we journey in this life, we have no joyful relationships with others. It is not a stretch to say that without forgiveness, Christianity simply does not, cannot, and will not exist. This is why the ancient Apostles’ Creed teaches us to confess, “I believe in the forgiveness of sins.” This week we look at what forgiveness is and is not, as well as the incredibly vital reasons why we need to learn to give forgiveness freely.

Jonah #4 – Lessons From An Unhappy Camper: Jonah 4:1-11

At The Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Pastor Mark Driscoll recently taught a four week series through the Book of Jonah entitled, A Fishy Tale about a Faithful God.

Everyone has bad days when things just don’t work out the way we want. But what’s most important on those days is how we react when they come.

In his final message on Jonah, Lessons from an Unhappy Camper, Pastor Mark shows you how to avoid becoming bitter and angry when things don’t go how you planned. You’ll learn how you can have joy even on hard days when you have a right heart before God.

1 John #11 – Our Father Our Family

At The Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Pastor Mark Driscoll recently taught a Bible study series to the core launch team entitled “1 John: The Father Heart of God.” Recorded in black and white as the church plant was in its infancy.

Jesus and Peter

Jesus knows who will fail him, and when, where, and how. He knows that all of us will fail him, even the best among us—including Peter, who wrote books of the Bible and was the senior leader of Jesus’ disciples. After Peter fails Jesus, he weeps bitterly and repents quickly, as should we. The good news is Jesus fails no one; he is faithful. He restores his friendship with Peter and then encourages him to tell his story in order to strengthen others.

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

In one of the most famous stories ever told, Jesus describes an amazing father and his interactions with a rebellious son and a religious son. Are you rebellious or religious? Thankfully, those are not our only options. The redeeming son, Jesus Christ, died so we could put to death our rebellion and our religion, and rose from death to give us his righteousness. Run to the Father whether you are rebellious or religious; he welcomes you home with open arms.

How to Fight to the Glory of God

All of us will have conflict with others; the question is if we will fight to the glory of God. Two things happen all the time in human relationships: someone sins and someone is sinned against. Jesus teaches us three things to do when dealing with our sin or potential to sin, and three things to do when dealing with others’ sin. In sum: sinners, repent; victims, forgive.

The Lords Prayer

Prayer is simply communicating with God. Jesus is the perfect prayer, so he teaches his followers how to pray. First, Jesus teaches that God is our Father. If you want to grow in prayer, don’t focus on prayer. Get to know the Father. If you want to learn how to pray, don’t look at religious people. Look at children with a father who adores them. Through Jesus’ prayer we also learn that our Father is holy, our Father is a king, our Father is generous, our Father forgives sins, and our Father leads well. Our Father hears and answers every prayer.

Jesus Heals a Woman and a Girl

Jesus transforms the lives of an older woman, whom he cleanses, and a young girl, whom he raises from death. Reach out to Jesus in faith, as the woman did, so that the power of God might be unleashed in your life. Jesus will make you clean; you won’t make Jesus unclean. Follow the example of Jairus, the girl’s father: run to Jesus, cast yourself upon him, and invite him into your home and your life. Respond with faith, not fear. If our faith is in Jesus, then we are the children of God, and one day we will resurrect from death; sin, suffering, and sickness will be no more. We’ll be forgiven and cleansed. We will see Jesus’ face, hear Jesus’ voice, feel Jesus’ touch, and we’ll sit down to feast with him.

The Lord’s Supper

The Corinthian church had turned the practice of Communion into a mockery of the Gospel by using The Lord’s Supper to partake in drunkeness and favoritism, with little or no focus on Jesus Christ Himself.

Paul the Forgiven

This Sermon by Pastor Mark Driscoll was preached at James River Church in Ozark, MO, on June 7th 2015.