God the Father

Jesus Is a Better Mediator

Mordecai and Esther aren’t perfect, but they’re making progress and changing. Mordecai’s faith is activated in mourning and weeping. He trusts that God is always with his people, and that God is in control. Esther’s faith is action in the face of opposition and possible death. Only she can serve as mediator to reconcile Xerxes and her people, just as Jesus is the one mediator between God and men.

Jesus Is God

The crowds that came to John the Baptizer wondered if he was the Christ, but John humbly pointed to Jesus. John wanted all to realize that Jesus was greater than him, Jesus’ baptism was greater than his, and Jesus’ judgment was greater than his. In the end, Jesus will judge everyone, separating the wheat (those who repent and abide in him) from the chaff (those who do not and are blown away). John called even Herod to repent, and was imprisoned and beheaded as a result. Even though Jesus was sinless, he came down to be baptized by John, and the entire Trinity was present. The Holy Spirit descended like a dove and rested on Jesus, and the Father spoke from heaven, to reveal that Jesus is God: “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” All those in Christ are now God’s sons as well.