In The Beginning: A Study in Genesis

Jacob Returns Home to Bury His Father

Genesis 35:29 – And Isaac breathed his last, and he died and was gathered to his people, old and full of days. And his sons Esau and Jacob buried him. As they were heading to Bethlehem, Jacob’s beloved wife Rachel died giving birth to Jacob’s youngest son, Benjamin, who became the last of the 12 … Read more

Genesis #3 – Were Adam and Eve the First Human Beings?

After describing what happened each day of creation, the Genesis narrative zooms in on the first man, Adam, and recounts the creation of and his marriage to the first woman, Eve. In this sermon from Genesis 2:4-25, Pastor Mark preaches on how God created us to live physically and spiritually, to work and worship, for a relationship with Him and others, and for marriage and family.