
How Did Jesus Pray? Part 3

Luke 6:12 – In these days he went out to the mountain to pray, and all night he continued in prayer to God. John 12:27 – “Now is my soul troubled. And what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But for this purpose I have come to this hour.” Luke 23:46 – Then … Read more

How Did Jesus Pray? Part 2

Jesus prayed God’s Word  Here is one stunning example from Mark 15:34: “And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?’” This lament is a direct quote from Psalm 22:1 and means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Jesus in this instance is making the written revelation of … Read more

How Did Jesus Pray? Part 1

Mark 6:46 – And after he had taken leave of them, he went up on the mountain to pray. Luke 5:15-16 – But now even more the report about him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities. But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray. Mark 15:34 – And … Read more

Where Did Jesus Pray?

Luke 3:21 – Now when all the people were baptized, and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heavens were opened… John 11:41-42 – So they took away the stone. And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, … Read more

When Did Jesus Pray? Part 2

Matthew 14:19 – Then he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass, and taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing. Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds. Mark 14:23 – And he took … Read more

When Did Jesus Pray? Part 1

Deuteronomy 6:4 – “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.” Mark 12:29-30 – Jesus answered, “The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’” … Read more

Jesus vs. The World

John 17:9-11 – “I am not praying for the world but for those whom you have given me, for they are yours. All mine are yours, and yours are mine, and I am glorified in them. And I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to … Read more

Pray Like Jesus #4 – The Lord’s Gethsemane Prayer

Let Gods’ will be done and not seek upon our own understanding. Pastor Mark Driscoll shares the reality of walking within God’s will even if it doesn’t match our own understanding. Pointing to Jesus’s Gethsemane prayer as guidance to our toughest days.