Life Planning

Should you force your kids to go to church?

Trying to get the whole family in the car to get to church on time is hard – and it’s even harder when your kids complain that they don’t want to go. Many families face this problem, especially as the kids get older.

So when they don’t want to go to church with you, should you force them, or give them the responsibility to make their own decision?

Check out how Pastor Mark and Grace approach this situation – and get some tips on how to resolve any underlying conflict.

Do you have a question you’d like answered? Send it to [email protected] today!

Your soul’s orbit

Remember when you were a kid and you discovered that the Earth orbits the Sun? Mind blown!

Did you know that your soul was made for orbit, too? But not around the Sun – around the Son. As in, Jesus: the ultimate expression of God’s love.

Watch my video above to see why God’s infinite love is the only thing that keeps your soul in its correct orbit – and what happens when you try to replace Him.

Got a question you’d like me to answer? Send it to [email protected] today!

Four Kinds of Hearts

Have you ever found yourself asking your child, “Why’d you do that?”

As parents, we often think of our kids’ behavior as being good or bad – but it’s not that simple. And asking “Why?” is actually a really good question, because their answer will show you their heart.

So check out my video above to learn about the Four Kinds of Hearts – and how understanding your children’s heart can help you love them and bring out their best behavior.

Got a question you’d like me to answer? Send it to [email protected] today!

Should kids be in church service or kids’ ministry?

If you’ve ever sat through a church service with a bunch of screaming kids, you might say they should go out to kids’ ministry or Sunday school.

On the other hand, if you – like me – have been kicked out of church for trying to keep your kids in the main service, you might say they should stay in church.

So who’s right? Watch my video above for my take!

Got a question for Pastor Mark? Send it to him at [email protected] today!

Real Marriage – Key #5 Putting More Fun in Your Friendship

The God of the Bible (Father, Son, Spirit) is a community of friends who made us to have a friendship with them and one another. How can we pick a good friend? How can we be a good friend? And, how can we be friends with our spouse. All of these issues and more are covered in this week’s sermon.

What do you do when you’re struggling to pray with your family?

We all go through seasons when it’s hard to pray with our spouse or kids. Maybe you’re stressed, or hurt, or just really busy.

But the times when you’re stuck and don’t want to pray are actually the times when you need to pray the most!

So watch above as Grace and I share some simple steps you can take to get back to praying with your loved ones – and discover why it’s so important that you do!

Colossians #11 – Enjoying Your Job

Critics of the Bible are prone to find controversial issues in complicated Scriptures and use them to discredit and dismiss God’s Word. This includes the occasional New Testament exhortations to “bondservants” which some translations refer to as “slaves.” Rather than editing God’s Word, apologizing for God’s Word, or dismissing God’s Word we should study God’s Word to find God’s wisdom. In these highly debated and controversial Scriptures, we learn how to be in authority like Jesus our Master, and under authority like Jesus our Servant – particularly on the job at work. Subsequently, we will learn together how to worship at work.

How to Maintain Your Relationship Through the Pressures of Life?

Marriage – like any relationship – can be challenging, even if you’re married to your best friend. (Best friends can be annoying sometimes!)

And when you’ve got bills to pay and the kids need your time and a thousand other things compete for your attention, how do you keep your marriage strong?

Join Grace and me for a special video and get tips on how to grow your marriage – including how to respond when your spouse annoys you!

Got more questions for me? Send them to [email protected] today!

Colossians #9 – Enjoy Your Marriage

If you have ever seen what happens when someone points a hose at a bees’ nest, then you have witnessed what basically happens when the the Bible verses about wives submitting to their husbands are discussed. In this sermon, Pastor Mark examines in great practical detail what the Bible means and does not mean when instructing wives to submit to husbands, and husbands to love their wives and not be harsh with them. Grace Driscoll joins Mark at the end of the sermon to help explain how the dynamics of decision making play out practically in their friendship and marriage of nearly 25 years.