Life Planning

Living For A Legacy

One of the greatest marks on a man’s life is the legacy he leaves behind. So how can men today ensure they’re leaving behind an inheritance that lasts far beyond their years on earth? Pastor Mark takes this question head-on in his message, Living for a Legacy. Watch as he shows you what it takes to be remembered for your relationships, and how to impart your faith to the next generation.

Key #2 Building Intimacy

There is a powerful lie in our culture about marriage – that Christians and non-Christians have the same rates of marital happiness, adultery, and divorce. This powerful lie keeps non-Christians from coming to church to get help for their family. And, this powerful lie also keeps Christians discouraged and feeling like hypocrites. But, this lie is untrue and the most comprehensive sociological research proves that church attending, Bible reading, prayer uttering Christians have the best marriages of any group of people. In this sermon, Pastor Mark blows up the cultural lie and replaces it with biblical truth as we learn the 3 things you can do RIGHT NOW to improve your marriage and family.

Churches Are for Marriage, Not Just Weddings | Hebrews 10:24–25

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another…

Making Significant Relationships

Everybody wants to have meaningful relationships – it’s in our DNA. But when you try to build those relationships in a fallen world, things start to get complicated! In Making Meaningful Relationships, Pastor Mark shows you how Scripture says you can build great relationships with others. You’ll also learn four helpful habits for cultivating the … Read more

1 John #1 – What is Your Redirected Life Story?

At The Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Pastor Mark Driscoll recently taught a Bible study series to the core launch team entitled “1 John: The Father Heart of God.” Recorded in black and white as the church plant was in its infancy.

How To Prep For an Awesome Family Vacation

As school wraps up and summer draws near, vacations are just around the corner. A family vacation can be a great gift,or feel like a painful calamity. Pastor Mark shares some practical examples from the Driscoll family’s experience, including some of the successes and failures.

Redeeming Greatness

Jesus’ disciples saw his greatness, and it inspired in them a longing for greatness. Jesus did not rebuke them, but told them how they could be great. Rather than receiving worldly, godless greatness (that is, narcissism), or rejecting greatness altogether (in the false name of humility), Jesus shows them how to redeem greatness. True greatness means having a godly, redeemed ambition to live for the glory of God and the good of others by the grace of God. Then you can rejoice in others’ greatness wherever the kingdom of God is advancing.