Life Planning

Real Mom

Godly women, wife, mother, friend series Discipline is painful and peaceful First of all, I am not writing on the topic of being a Godly mother because I am the best example of one, rather it is an ongoing process of redemption that God takes us through over the course of our life.  If at … Read more

You Can Build Your Life on Jesus

1 Peter 2:4-8 – As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For it stands … Read more

I want my wife to work and she wants to stay home with our kids. What should we do?

A husband wrote in saying that he wants his wife to work but she would like to stay home with their kids. In this week’s video, Pastor Mark and Grace answer this question and give helpful, practical advice for the couple.

Have a question you’d like answered in a potential future Ask Pastor Mark video? Send an email to [email protected].

How Does the Sabbath Prepare Us for Heaven?

A few years ago, when our family was gearing up to plant The Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Arizona, we prayed a lot with the kids that God would provide a building. God supernaturally provided a historic, midcentury modern church named one of the coolest in our Valley. The original design of the building was incredible. Sadly, over the years, various tenants had departed from the original design plan and made a mess. It needed a lot of work but I’m happy to report that we’ve made incredible progress on the building, and it’s returning to its former glory.    

What is the Secret to Sabbath Rest?

When kids are little, they can be very impatient – especially when the know something wonderful is about to happen. This explains why they keep asking to open their gifts the night before Christmas, and repeatedly shout from the back seat on the drive to vacation, “Are we there yet? Why is this trip taking so long?”  

How can you know God’s will for your life?

As the ministry of The Trinity Church increases and moves temporarily online, Pastor Mark, Grace, and family will be releasing a special series of “Ask Pastor Mark” videos each week to help answer pertinent questions during this time! This question is about how to discern God’s will for your life.

If you’re a man now working from home, how can you be helpful to your wife and enjoy your kids?

As the ministry of The Trinity Church increases and moves temporarily online, Pastor Mark, Grace, and family will be releasing a special series of “Ask Pastor Mark” videos each week to help answer pertinent questions during this time! This question is about how a man now working from home can be helpful to his wife and enjoy his kids.