
Parenting On Point Day 18: Seven Tips for Helping Kids Learn the Bible 

Some of our best parental memories from when our five children were young involve bedtime. We made a habit of having an age-appropriate kids’ Bible for each child. At bedtime each night, in addition to praying, talking, and sometimes singing together while snuggling up, we would read and discuss Bible stories. As the children got … Read more

How can you avoid discouraging your kids?

Parents have the responsibility of nurturing and raising their kids in a godly manner so they grow to love you, love themselves, and love God.

Colossians 3:21 warns parents not to provoke or discourage their kids. But the traps you can fall into aren’t always obvious, especially when you’re frustrated, tired, or stressed.

So watch my video to find out 15 ways parents discourage their kids – and how you can avoid them.

Do you have a question you’d like me to answer? Send it to [email protected] today!

How do you raise your kids right?

Let’s face it, parenting is not easy. Psalm 127:3 says “children are a blessing from the Lord” and that’s always true – but sometimes it feels like they’re your burden too!

As parents of five children – four of them teenagers – Grace and I hold onto biblical parenting principles that have helped us in our goal to raise kids who are a blessing to God, to us, and to others.

Watch my video to discover seven parenting principles that we pray will help you love, nurture, and enjoy your children – and help them love and enjoy you too!

Do you have a question you’d like me to answer? Send it to [email protected] today!