
How do I parent with grace?

At Trinity Trinity Church, we have been working through the book of Galatians. And to my surprise, there has been a consistent theme of parenting and family throughout! A frequent question I have been receiving is how do we raise kids with grace, in a way that won’t lead to rebellious or religious kids?

Have a question you’d like answered? Email it to [email protected] today.

What are your tips for Parenting Teens?

Teenage years can be troubling. But rules without relationship are impossible!

In today’s Ask Pastor Mark, I’ll talk about the importance of sowing into your relationship so you can reap from them in the later years and I will cover the myth of adolescence.

And if you have a question you’d like answered, email it to [email protected] today.

Should we let our kids stay with Non-Christians to evangelize them?

Every Christian parent will, at some point, have a non-Christian family invite their child to stay the night? Do you send your kid to evangelize, or say no to protect them?

In today’s Ask Pastor Mark, I tell a story from my youth and explain how parent’s priority needs to be their child’s safety before family ministry.

And if you have a question you’d like answered, email it to [email protected] today.

How should 16 year-old Christian Kids date?

When your teenage daughter wants to date a Christian boy, what should you do? As a teen who got this wrong, and a parent of teens hoping to help them get this right, here’s my thoughts on how to use this opportunity to build the relationship with your teenager.

And if you have a question you’d like answered, email it to [email protected] today!

Should we have more children?

Children are a blessing. When should a married couple consider starting a family or growing an even larger family? Should everyone have a “Fab Five” like myself and Grace?

Watch as I share how to navigate starting and growing your family with your spouse.

And if you have a question you’d like answered, email it to [email protected] today!

How can I discipline very rebellious children without portraying an evil person?

Some children are very rebellious. How should one navigate disciplining them? You don’t want to be the “Bad Guy” but you also don’t want your child to run the house.

Watch as Grace and I share how to be patient godly parents, keeping in mind the goal is never to punish them, but to correct them.

And if you have a question you’d like answered, email it to [email protected] today!

How do you make time to study the Bible together?

You know that studying the Bible together would be good for your family – but life keeps getting in the way.

It can be hard to make time to sit in the Word together, but the results are always worth it!

So get some tips from Grace and me on how you can figure out what works for you – and build habits to help you grow together in God’s Word.

Want to help your kids grow?

Parenting – especially when you’re a Christian – is a big responsibility.

Not only do you have to get your kids through the day alive and in one piece, but you also want to help them know and love Jesus. In fact, that’s your most important job as a parent!

So check out some tips from Grace and me and learn how you can nurture your kids spiritually, and help them to grow in their faith this year.

Should you tell your kids the truth about Santa?

At some point, every child finds out that Santa isn’t real. So how do you resolve the Santa dilemma with your kids?

You can tell them the truth – and risk them sharing it with their friends and getting a whole bunch of parents mad at you.

Or you can say he’s real – and they might get mad at you later for telling them stuff that isn’t true!

Watch my special Santa edition of ‘Ask Pastor Mark’ for my take on how to resolve the Santa dilemma – and learn a little more about the history of good-ole St. Nick at the same time!

And if you have a question you’d like answered, email it to [email protected] today!

Should you treat your kids as Christians if they’re not?

As a Christian parent, you want your kids to come to a faith of their own – and not rely on yours.

So should you treat them as Christians before they are? How do you encourage them to grow their own relationship with Jesus?

Watch as Pastor Mark and Grace share some tips – and explain why sometimes the boring testimonies are the best ones!

Should you force your kids to go to church?

Trying to get the whole family in the car to get to church on time is hard – and it’s even harder when your kids complain that they don’t want to go. Many families face this problem, especially as the kids get older.

So when they don’t want to go to church with you, should you force them, or give them the responsibility to make their own decision?

Check out how Pastor Mark and Grace approach this situation – and get some tips on how to resolve any underlying conflict.

Do you have a question you’d like answered? Send it to [email protected] today!

Your soul’s orbit

Remember when you were a kid and you discovered that the Earth orbits the Sun? Mind blown!

Did you know that your soul was made for orbit, too? But not around the Sun – around the Son. As in, Jesus: the ultimate expression of God’s love.

Watch my video above to see why God’s infinite love is the only thing that keeps your soul in its correct orbit – and what happens when you try to replace Him.

Got a question you’d like me to answer? Send it to [email protected] today!